Thursday, 11 November 2010

video conferencing

1. what is it ?
  • Video conferencing is a communication technology that lets you hear and talk to and see people as if they were in the same room. They need a computer, webcam, broadband and microphone and they can see, hear and make meetings to sort stuff out and make sure everything is going ok in their company.
2. How can it be used ?
  • it can be used worldwide to have long distance meetings across the world without travelling. It will be a lot cheaper considering you won't have to pay for flight to a different country. It is mainly used by large businesses to conduct meetings that might involve companies across the globe.
3.what hardware is required ?
  • television
  • video camera
  • broadband
  • computer
  • microphones (everyone)
  • internet
  • speakers
4. look at the social impacts of the use of video conferencing ?
It’s good because people can keep in touch with each other when they may not have spoken in a long time like they are still living near each other and they can use it to interact at anytime day or night. But it’s mainly used in business, if they have got one job in another country they can talk to them and find out how it’s going on and if they are doing it to the right standard. It can be used for meetings between other companies. and you will not see them in person but you could arrange to meet up with them or even go out with them to some where. but the only thing with video conerencing is that you don't see them face to face and cannot read their body language and also the equipment could stop working or even cut off and also might need to employ someone to set it up. i will also not give my password to anyone so they cannot get on my blog and by not giving my blog name to anyone but friends that i know.


step by step to use video conferencing

1.Make sure you use the right equiment both parties in the conference need to be connected via the Internet using one of several available services like SKYPE or Adobe Connect, or NetMeeting.
2.SKYPE is good for one-to-one conferencing if you want to retain the video aspect. You can have up to 15 callers in a SKYPE call, but will lose the video with the third caller. SKYPE is free.

3. So the people in the conferencing will need to have a webcam, speaker and microphone. But headset will work better in the work place because it will not bother others.

4.Decide on the time for the video conference and make sure all parties are given log-in information or are at their desks ready to accept a video call and make sure all the equiment is working and ready to uses.
5.Have an agenda or schedule prepared so the conference can move along on time. If there are handouts, make sure they are emailed to all participants before the start of the conference so everyone is prepared and some chat sites have feature so they can asjk questions. Set guidelines for handling interaction like questions and comments.


  1. good step by step instructions, and lots of great detail about hardware etc. nice one

  2. This is very good, and explains a lot of detail, the software that uses it is also a very nice addition.

  3.'ve steps and good description...=)

  4. well its not great tbh mines better by far its all about keeping it short and cool, you need to write less because no one likes to read alot :) haha

  5. To do video conferencing we should have the best Video Conferencing Software, Internet, PC, webcam, Speakers etc.
